
Humidification Systems

"Unique Innovations with Humidification Bottle Design Provide Unmatched Liters-Per-Minute Flow of Gases at Dewpoint "

The Humidity bottles are made from type 316 stainless steel. Swagelok fittings for gas inputs and outputs are welded into the bottle. Nafion tubing inserted into a type 316 stainless steel spring for support is coiled in the bottle to provide dew-point humidity level for the gas passing through the tubing. The bottle is insulated and heated using a silicone rubber flex-pad.

Outside North American sales will incur an additional fee of up to 10% for Handling fees.

Low Flow Humidification System - includes: Specially designed cabinet, Dual Temperature Controllers (2 ea) including output gas line heaters, on/off bypass valves, sight glass for each humidity..


Low Flow Humidification System with Analog Mass Flow Controllers - includes: Specially designed cabinet, Dual Temperature Controllers (2 ea) including output gas line heaters, on/off bypass valve..



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